Business East Midlands Magazine How Is The Middle East Any Of Our Business?

How is the middle east any of our business? - business east midlands magazine

Every life Republican demands are not lost in vain, and they had the freedom .. As it is our responsibility to provide an opportunity for everyone .. We have enough problems to keep us! If the Middle East has helped us ... Shoudln't we take care of our old homeless here .. Our people are dying of hunger ... Our seniors ... Why should we try to help, want other countries do not even realize that we, too? Never lend a hand to us, so why should I do for you?


Mr. Lover Lover said...

You are always trying to kill us and play with the oil supply.

We need all we can do to bankruptcy, then they ignore them.

slip said...

By that logic, why bother in the United States, the starving children or violations of human rights in Sudan and other African countries to save their corrupt governments - Why is our society?

The citizens of Iran and other Middle Eastern states are abused and murdered by their government without giving a reason - women to death "accusations" of adultery - stoned is less evil? These are all violations of human rights and the world these helpless people who need help, fast abuse - U.S. policy on the basis of waiting to see if George Clooney or Sean Penn and do d 'first state visit to the United States as the Evil, by your eyes and genocide?

Could you ever walk by a woman beaten by her boyfriend because "it is not their thing."

The fact that the United States does not expect the patrols to PC-liberal policies that are good for us to make, participate and what is not --

Evil is evil, regardless of the liberal mindset.

beardog4... said...

Because like it or not, relates to events beyond our borders of our lives. The isolation was a form of time in the United States, without reacting to problems to a boil, and we are forced to.

beardog4... said...

Because like it or not, relates to events beyond our borders of our lives. The isolation was a form of time in the United States, without reacting to problems to a boil, and we are forced to.

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