Bone Loss In Women Women's Loss Of Bone Density?

Women's loss of bone density? - bone loss in women

as some of us is in the blood produced in the bone marrow and women lose more blood than men for life (periods), which explains why women tend to more problems with the bone density of their growth as men?


Post Girl said...

I do not see the relevance of the loss of bone density of blood.

The bone density is mainly carried out by the hormonal balance and the type of exercise affects the object.

When the estrogen or testosterone in the body in sufficient quantity, the risk goes oesteperosis.

Last exercises have improved bone density.

Your body is able to replace lost blood. For those who are giving their blood, first time, always the hardest because your body is not used to do such a lot to replace.

Later, the body is more prepared to work quickly to replace blood, therefore vetran blood donors are often less likely to get sick afer gift.

There are other conditions that inflence the top. This is a generalization of the facts.

Kir S said...

It has nothing to do with us losing more blood than men. The loss of bone density is the amount of calcium that we take and how to use the body calcium, bone density can be more women in the time that breastfeeding not eating enough calcium, but lose the connection, it is only a temporary increase in bone loss. Women's actually very little blood lost during menstruation.

Kir S said...

It has nothing to do with us losing more blood than men. The loss of bone density is the amount of calcium that we take and how to use the body calcium, bone density can be more women in the time that breastfeeding not eating enough calcium, but lose the connection, it is only a temporary increase in bone loss. Women's actually very little blood lost during menstruation.

Kir S said...

It has nothing to do with us losing more blood than men. The loss of bone density is the amount of calcium that we take and how to use the body calcium, bone density can be more women in the time that breastfeeding not eating enough calcium, but lose the connection, it is only a temporary increase in bone loss. Women's actually very little blood lost during menstruation.

Kir S said...

It has nothing to do with us losing more blood than men. The loss of bone density is the amount of calcium that we take and how to use the body calcium, bone density can be more women in the time that breastfeeding not eating enough calcium, but lose the connection, it is only a temporary increase in bone loss. Women's actually very little blood lost during menstruation.

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