Does Best Buy Warranty Cover Ipod In Water Ipod Touch?

Ipod touch? - does best buy warranty cover ipod in water

Well, I have a better guarantee for the purchase of a 3-year warranty, but someone said it does not apply to accident damage? as if I jump into the water, or crush, and I get a new, I'm far away from the back, what the hell is the guarantee?


Anonymous said...

usually nothing .. Securities delayed. cover almost immediately when the interference bad software, found in his case, or not returned to Apple, not to buy. I can not guarantee, in electronics, such as apples, for example. Software is rarely wrong, and you're more likely to break the hardware front, for a bit, so be careful for your gadgets:)

Anonymous said...

It does not always have your mother, you always say buy the accidental coverage plan? lol

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